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Brittenden Psychology
Privacy Policy 

This privacy policy contains important information on how and why we
 collect, store, use and share your personal data. It also explains your rights in relation to 
your personal data and how to contact us or regulatory authorities in the event you have a


When we use personal data we are regulated by the Information Commissioner under UK
 GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018. We are accountable as Controller of that
 personal data for the purposes of Data Protection legislation.


What personal data we collect

  •  Email exchanges when you first contact us and to arrange appointments. Note that your personal details will not be kept should you decide not to go ahead with any sessions. 

  •  Full name, date of birth, address, contact number, email address, emergency contact
 details, GP details and other relevant health care professional details if you wish to
 proceed with therapy sessions.

  • Following each therapy session we write brief session summary notes which are
 securely stored for 7 years in accordance with GDPR regulations.


This personal data is required to enable us to provide our services. If we are not provided
 with the personal data we ask for, it may delay or prevent us from providing the services
 that you are requesting.


How we collect personal data

We collect all personal data directly from you. By sending us an enquiry email or submitting a form,  booking a
session, you are giving us your specific informed consent
 to our processing of your personal data.


Why we collect personal data

  • So that we can safely provide psychological therapy to you.

  • To comply with legal and regulatory obligations.


Who we share personal data with

Your data is only kept by Dr Zera Brittenden, who is bound by professional codes 
of confidentiality. Consent would always be obtained to share your information outside of this.
 Should we be concerned about your safety or the safety of someone else then we may be
 legally required to share your personal data with other parties including professionals such
 as your GP and/or emergency services.
 We do not share any of your personal data with third parties for the purposes of marketing. Further, it is a professional requirement for psychologists to engage in regular clinical supervision and as such, clinical information may sometimes be shared in order to seek advice from a peer or more senior supervisor in the interest of following best practice. However, such discussions are anonymised and the supervisor would not have access to client-identifying details.


Where personal data is stored

We ensure your privacy and security by protecting your personal 
data on password protected devices in password protected documents.


How long is personal data kept for

We retain personal data for 7 years following our last contact with you. We then delete this.


Accessing your own personal data

You have the right to access any personal data that is being held about you, such as sessions notes and contact details,. You also have the right to object to any
 mistaken statements written about you and to have them deleted or modified. You can do this by contacting


How to complain

We hope that we would be able to resolve any query or concern raised about our use of
 your personal data, however, if not then you are able to contact the UK Information
 Commissioner or 0303 123 1113 to make a complaint.





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